Informative and open podcast on Involving the whole organisation on the Transformation Journey with Tim Davies, CEO of BBC Studios on PWC’s Transformation Talks Series.

I am somewhat late to the party with this blog as it took place in September 2018, however, I enjoyed listening to this finding it insightful and refreshingly open and direct in style. You can listen to the podcast via the link below or alternatively if you don’t have time to listen in full the highlights are also covered;

Some of the keys takeaways for me were around the following:

The importance of the executive team seeing personal fulfillment in the end goal’

‘Creating a safe environment for the truth’

‘Defining the purpose and scope of the transformation in a way that is not linked to historical revenue generation where possible’

Large scale transformational change consistently faces similar challenges which are more often than not linked to People and Company culture regardless of Industry sector.

